NASN Members
Association of Salesian Cooperators USA East
Association of Salesian Cooperators USA West
Association of Salesian Cooperators Canada

The Association of Salesian Cooperators is a lay association in the Catholic Church. It is one of the three main branches of the Salesian Family founded by St. John Bosco in 1876 to provide care and education to young people, especially those who are poor. Don Bosco described the Cooperators as “people who wish to devote themselves to works of mercy in a specific rather than a general way.” Don Bosco established rules and a mission for the Cooperators which are included today in The Project of Apostolic Life.
Association of St. Francis de Sales (Daughters of St. Francis de Sales)

The St. Francis de Sales Association was founded in France in 1872. It is a spiritual family made up of lay Catholic women —single, married, or widowed—who choose to live their lives grounded in the Gospel and according to Salesian teachings and virtues. We follow our “gentleman saint” along our journey towards God. Our motto is “Love is the fulfillment of the law.” (Romans 13:10)
Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Eastern USA + Canada Province (Province of St. Joseph)

We, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians are also known as the Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco. Our legal title is Missionary Society of Salesian Sisters, Inc. We commit ourselves to the new evangelization of youth. Impelled by our charism, we evangelize by educating. We open up new ways for the education of the young, deepening within them an attitude of respect for the dignity of the human person and an openness to life in all its forms. We commit ourselves to a community lifestyle which is poor, simple, welcoming, and able to create a new educative presence among poor youth.
Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, San Antonio Province (Province of Mary Immaculate)

We, the Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco, dedicate ourselves completely to young people, the poor, and women at risk. Together with our collaborators and benefactors, we are responding to the profound hopes of today’s youth through education and evangelization. True to our mission of forming good Christians and honest citizens, we have made a positive impact in society and are blazing a path for the future.
DeSales Center | Camp DeSales

Camp DeSales exists to help Catholic high school students and parish youth groups encounter Christ, become their best selves, and Live Jesus for life. We create and support peer groups seeking lifelong Catholic discipleship and friendship. As a spiritual home and resource for parishes and schools in and around the Diocese of Toledo, Camp DeSales is dedicated to Catholic youth evangelization.
Desales Resources & Ministries, Inc. | Embraced by God

Embraced by God, also known as Desales Resources & Ministries, is built around providing resources for joyful living inspired by Saints Francis de Sales and Jane de Chantal. We operate as a publisher, an online bookstore, and a lending library. Additionally, we host Salesian gatherings and offer guidance and assistance to anyone looking to explore the hope-filled world of Salesian spirituality.
Desales Secular Institute

First, secular institutes are a form of consecrated life in the Catholic Church, and as such, members take vows of celibate chastity, poverty and obedience for life. The mission entrusted to us by the Church is to sanctify ourselves and the world we live in, wherever God puts us. We do not live in convents, but in the secular world while serving the Lord totally both in service to the Church and our secular communities. The DeSales Secular Institute was founded by Franz Reisinger, OSFS in Vienna, Austria during WWII. We have members in Austria, Germany, Namibia, United States, Brazil and Ecuador. Learn more about us on our website:
DeSales University

DeSales University (DSU) is a private Catholic university in Center Valley, Pennsylvania. The university offers traditional, online, and hybrid courses and programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Named for St. Francis de Sales, the university was founded in 1964 as “Allentown College of Saint Francis de Sales” by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.
Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales

Missionaries of St. Francis De Sales, also known as Fransalian Missionaries, is an international, missionary religious order, founded in France in 1838 by Fr. Peter Mermier, under the patronage of St. Francis De Sales, to bring about the renewal of Christian life by preaching parish missions. The first batch of missionaries went to India in 1845. Today, our missionaries work in USA, India, France, Switzerland, England, Brazil, Chad, Namibia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Australia, Austria, Germany, Philippians, West Indies, Chile, Trinidad and other countries. Missionaries also are sent to serve, individually, at the request of Bishops from various dioceses all over the world. A total of 1321 professed members are committed to the service of the church in different parts of the world. We have 61 novices and 352 candidates in formation for the religious life and priesthood.
Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, Toledo-Detroit Province
Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, Wilmington/Philadelphia Province

The Oblates of St. Francis de Sales (Latin: Oblati Sancti Francisci Salesii, O.S.F.S.) are a congregation of Catholic priests and brothers who follow the teachings of Francis de Sales and Jane Frances de Chantal. The community was founded in Troyes in 1875 by Louis Brisson and are affiliated with the Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales. The members of this religious order are of two states, clerics and lay brothers. Today the Oblates are located throughout the world, in Holland, Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, Italy, India, South Africa, Namibia, Benin, Ivory Coast, Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Haiti and the United States.[2] The Generalate is located in Rome.
Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales, American Province

The Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales (Latin: Oblati Sancti Francisci Salesii, O.S.F.S.) are a congregation of Roman Catholic Religious Sisters who base their spirituality on the teachings of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal. (The Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales are affiliated with the Oblate Priests and Brothers of St. Francis de Sales)
Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate

The Institute of Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate (SMMI), the missionary branch is born from the society of the Daughters of St. Francis De Sales. This society was founded in Paris on 15 October 1872, by Fr. Henri Chaumont and Madam Carre De Malberg, to live and spread evangelical charity in the world. From the beginning of of the society, the founder had awakened among the members a deep missionary enthusiasm which expressed itself in a guild of fervent prayer on behalf of non Christian women.
Salesians of Don Bosco, Eastern USA + Canada Province (Province of St. Philip the Apostle)
Salesians of Don Bosco, Western USA Province (Province of St. Andrew)

The Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB), formally known as the Society of Saint Francis de Sales (Latin: Societas Sancti Francisci Salesii), is a religious congregation of men in the Catholic Church, founded in 1859 by the Italian priest St. John Bosco to help poor and migrant young people during the Industrial Revolution. “Don” (for Father in Italian) Bosco chose St. Francis de Sales as the patron and namesake of the organizations that he founded.
The mission of the Salesians is to be signs and bearers of God’s love for young people following the spirit and apostolic style of St. John Bosco. Salesians form part of the Salesian Family of Don Bosco that include Salesian Sisters, Lay Association of Salesian Cooperators and many other associations and institutes.
Sons of St. Francis de Sales
Visitation Salesian Network

The Visitation Salesian Network exists to work collaboratively with our school communities so that all may experience the Visitation way of living the Christian life, of “living Jesus.” Our purpose is to facilitate the formation of minds and hearts through the Gospel-based teachings of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal. The Visitation Salesian Network comprises all three Visitation schools in the United States: Georgetown Visitation; Visitation Academy in St. Louis; and Visitation School in Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Visitation Sisters of Holy Mary, First & Second Federations

The Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary (Latin: Ordo Visitationis Beatissimae Mariae Virginis), abbreviated VSM and also known as the Visitandines, is a Catholic religious order of Pontifical Right for women. Members of the order are also known as the Salesian Sisters (not to be confused with the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco) or, more commonly as the Visitation Sisters.
Volunteers with Don Bosco

The Volunteers with Don Bosco, (CDB), founded in 1994 by Fr. Egidio Viganò, seventh successor of Don Bosco, are an Association of the Lay Faithful aspiring to become a secular institute. Members profess the evangelical counsels while living in society and having professional careers. Their mission is to help form good Christians and upright citizens through the witness of their lives. The belong to the Salesian Family of Don Bosco along with 31 other groups.
North American Salesian Network
The North American Salesian Network (NASN) is an organization of both lay and religious groups that live the Salesian teachings of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal. NASN facilitates the sharing of Salesian resources, educational services, vocational efforts, and a variety of resources, bringing this optimistic, joy-filled spirituality to people throughout the world.